Celebrating National Student’s Day at Hammi Massaouda University Residence

Celebrating National Student’s Day at Hammi Massaouda University Residence

On the occasion of the 67th anniversary of the student uprising during the Liberation Revolution, the Activities Department organized an entertaining evening with singing, theater, and musical performances by the students.

The event was attended by the Director of the Residence, the Director of Sub-Activities and its staff of the University of El Oued, the artist Salah Kaddouri, the state governor of the Algerian Islamic Scouts, the staff, workers and students of the residence.

The evening was animated by the University of El Oued’s Anwar Choir and the Islamic Scouts’ Creative Theater Troupe, in coordination with the students of the residence. In addition to a puppet show by the talented Amin was also a highlight.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this event, each in their own name and position, without exception. And good luck to everyone with the exams.


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