The University of El Oued initiates the administrative and pedagogical activities of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences.

The University of El Oued initiates the administrative and pedagogical activities of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences.

Today, February 8, 2023, Professor Omar Ferhati, the Rector of the University of El Oued, along with the Vice-Rectors of the University, the Secretary-General, the Deans of the faculties, and the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, inaugurated the administrative and pedagogical activities of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences after its upgrade from an institute to a faculty. This event took place in the grand lecture hall named Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, organized by the University’s Directorate of Student Services in coordination with the Cultural Radiance Association for Creative Youth.

The ceremony was attended by the President of the Provincial People’s Council, Aziz Hsani, his deputy, Fares Belbasi, the Director of Culture for the province of El Oued, the representative of the Tourism Director, and the Director of the Cultural Center, Mohamed Lamoudi. Also,  the University’s Secretary-General, faculty members, administrators, and students were present.

During the event, the new nameplate of the faculty was unveiled by the University’s Director. Following this, the Director, along with the accompanying delegation, proceeded with the installation ceremony of the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Ibrahim Rahmani, by renewing the trust in him from the University’s Director.

The meeting commenced with a minute of silence and a tribute to the late Professor Ahmed Boutarfaia, the former Director of the University of Biskra.

The Director then presented an overview of the history of Islamic Sciences at the University of El Oued, expressing gratitude for the personal and academic contributions of the faculty members who uphold the values of moderation and temperance in their mission.

The installation ceremony of the Dean followed, marked by the signing of the appointment record amid the joy of attendees, including professors, students, staff, and workers.

The Dean delivered a speech thanking the University’s Rector for being the official sponsor of the upgrade of the institute to a faculty. He urged the faculty members to collaborate to enhance and preserve this achievement. Subsequently, Professor Youssef Abdelwahid, the President of the Scientific Council, gave a speech acknowledging the efforts of the men who played a pivotal role in establishing the branch of Islamic Sciences at the University, leading it to attain faculty status.

He provided statistical insights into the University’s student population, facilities, administrative staff, and the Faculty’s ranking among Islamic Sciences faculties nationwide.

Following these valuable speeches, the University’s Rector was honored with the Excellence Medal, recognizing his pivotal role in the institute’s elevation to a faculty. He was also bestowed with the Soufi Turban, symbolizing our region’s identity. Additionally, the Secretary-General, Mr. Shouki Madlal, was honored with the Honor Medal for his efforts in supporting this institution’s upgrade to a faculty.

The ceremony concluded with the honoring of some professors including  Abu Bakr, Mustafa Hamidatou, and Rashid Boughzala by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences and its university community.


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