An Exchange Master Program between two universities: Eloued and Guafssa

An Exchange Master Program between two universities: Eloued and Guafssa



On Monday, March 13, the Vice Rector of El oued University for External Relations and Cooperation, Professor El Habib Gueddah, chaired Online meeting with the University of Guafsa in Tunisia. The meeting was attended by the administrative and pedagogical staff of the Faculty of Technology and the Department of Electrical Engineering, presided by Dr. Ali Shamsa, the dean of the Technology Faculty, and Dr. Massoud Hattiri, the Electrical Engineering department head, along with several professors from the department. From the University of Guafsa, Professor Emad Al-Bazdouri, the dean of the Faculty of Science, and Professor Adel Dellali were the participants of this meeting.

The meeting focused on the implementation of an exchange program for international master’s program in Smart Systems and Advanced Technology. The attendees discussed the importance of the project and the mechanisms for its implementation, pending further sessions to discuss the content and project management methods. This project is expected to give a strong impetus to the 5+5 Partnership Agreement and open up better opportunities for students to serve as liaisons for international job conduct or apply Postgraduate Research Studies applications.



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