The Second National Conference on “The Role of Civil Society in Conserving Algerian National Security” at El Oued University.

The Second National Conference on “The Role of Civil Society in Conserving Algerian National Security” at El Oued University.

On the occasion of the National Martyrs’ Day on February 18th, 2023, El Oued University organized the second national conference on “The Role of Civil Society in Conserving Algerian National Security.” This event was held in collaboration with the “Zaouia Teddjania” located in Tamasin,Touggourt City known as Sufism Representative and coordinating with the National Economic, Social, and Environmental Assembly, known as the National Observatory for Civil Society, the Higher Assembly for Youth, the National Association named by “El Attaa” known as the Algerian Association for the Conserving of Historical Heritage and National Memory, and the “Tassili-News” known as Newspaper, hosted in the Grand Hall Abu al-Qasim Saadallah at the university of Eloued.


The scientific event of the Conference was attended by Mr. El Khadim Saeed Akrouf, the Wali (City Governor) of El Oued, Professor Omar Ferhati, the University Rector, Professor Muhammad El-Eid Tadjani, the Sheikh of the Zaouia Tedjania, the President of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Assembly, Professor Boumedien Bouzid, the Secretary-General of the Higher Islamic Assembly, as well as the Deputy President of the Higher Assembly for Youth and the President of Security Committee, the Chief of Administrative Service of El Oued, Sufism Sheikhs, and media representatives.


The event was distinguished by the presence of university staff, including vice-rectors, deans, members of the organizational scientific committee for the conference, professors from within and outside the university, and university students.


Professor Omar Ferhati, as the honorary president of the forum, delivered a welcoming speech, expressing his pleasure at hosting this significant event in coordination with the Tajaniya Tamasin Sufi Order. He highlighted the evolving levels of security, extending beyond military security to encompass social, environmental, health, and food security. He emphasized the role of various institutions, including military institutions, Quranic schools, and Sufi orders, in facing challenges together, officially opening the forum.


Professor Muhammad El-Eid Tadjani, the Sheikh of the Zaouia Tedjania, welcomed the distinguished attendees as the president of the conference, expressing his gratitude to the university rector for his presence at this significant scientific event, emphasizing the idea of the multiple levels and dimensions of security and the role of the Zaouia Tedjania  in activating civil society and contributing to the concerving of the national security of Algeria.


There was also a presentation provided by Professor Abd al-Malik Attia, the President of the conference, who welcomed everyone and outlined the objectives of the conference in preserving Algerian society’s values and traditions. He emphasized the conference’s focus on social and economic interaction roles, centered on the various important and active roles of civil society in achieving present and future security.


The conference’s proceedings were concluded at the Cultural Center of the Zaouia Tedjania in Guemar, with the presence of the honorary president of the conference, El Sheikh Muhammad El-Eid Tadjani, the University rector, Professor Omar Ferhati, the Forum Director, Professor Atia Abd al-Kamil, the President of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council, Professor Muhammad Boushnak Kholladi, the Secretary-General of the Higher Islamic Asembly, Bouzid Boumedien, the Deputy President of the Higher assembly for Youth, Abdel Halim Bin Badda, and the parliamentary deputy, Mr. Muhammad al-Hafid Tadjani, along with media representatives of the university, Dr. Abdallah Raguig and Dr. Khalifa Gaid, as well as several executives, professors, doctors, and students.


The conclusion program included various activities:

  1. Master of ceremony acted  by Muhammad El Kabir Dahdah.
  2. Reading of recommendations by Professor Radwan Shafou.
  3. Distribution of Participation Certificates to professors participants.
  4. Honoring the organization committee of the conference by El  Sheikh Professor Muhammad El-Eid Tajani, the Sheikh of the Zaouia Tedjania.
  5. A speech on behalf of the participants provided by Professor Ferih Khamesti.
  6. A speech of gratitude and appreciation provided  by the University Rector, Professor Omar Ferhati.
  7. Concluding remarks with the recitation of the Opening Chapter of the Quran and supplication by El Sheikh Professor Muhammad El-Eid Tadjani, who expressed great gratitude to all the Algerian state’s top institutions participating in the conference and to the University Rector for his support of this conference. He stressed that the conference is a continuity towards future horizon.



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