The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of El Oued celebrates its First ranked students.

The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of El Oued celebrates its First ranked students.

Today, Sunday, March 5, 2023, Professor Omar Ferhati, the Rector of the University of El Oued, along with his Vice Rector Professor Bachir Menaai in charge of pedagogy and Professor Boubekeur Mansour in charge of research, as well as the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Amar Ghrissah, and the Secretary-General of the University, Chouqi Madallal, attended the honoring ceremony organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences for its successful students in the Ph.D Postgraduate competition across national universities, and for the top students in the first semester in all specialties at the Faculty. The event was attended by the Deans, department heads, and the academic and administrative staff of the Faculty.


Professor Omar Ferhati opened the ceremony with a delivered speech praising the activities of the Faculty and expressing gratitude to the Dean and all the staff, professors, students, employees, and workers of the faculty. He wished all the successful students a career filled with success and excellence achievemnts, reflecting the excellence of the University of El Oued in various scientific, knowledge, and research fields.


The Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences delivered a welcoming speech, expressing gratitude to the University Rector and his vice-rectors and all the representatives administration staff for their efforts in serving the university community in general and its students in particular.


The event included the honoring of successful doctoral students in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences and in other national universities by the University Director, as well as the recognition of top-performing students at the faculty level.


The event witnessed significant interaction from all attendees, including students, professors, employees, and workers of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences.



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