A Ministerial Committee inspects university facilities and Healthcare Sector facilities in preparation for the opening of the Annex of Medicine.

A Ministerial Committee inspects university facilities and Healthcare Sector facilities in preparation for the opening of the Annex of Medicine.

On February 28 and March 1, 2023, the joint committee between the higher education and scientific research sector and the healthcare and population sector, responsible for the Annex of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, inspected various facilities at the University of El Oued, including assistants at the Faculty of Life and Natural Sciences and assistants at Healthcare sector.


The committee is chaired by Professor Warida Qasim, a rheumatology specialist, with members including Professor Omar Chabati, a pulmonary disease specialist, Dr. Abdelkader Fiala, Director of Education and Training at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Professor Marzouk Grinawat, an allergy specialist and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Algiers 2.


Accompanied by the director regional healthcare and the university rector, the committee inspected various facilities at the Faculty of Life and Natural Sciences and other areas such as analysis laboratories, study halls, the medical library, and the COVID laboratory. These inspections aim to ensure the best possible study conditions for the students of the Annex of Medicine, which is expected to open its doors to students in the upcoming academic year, pending approval from the ministry based on the positive results of the field inspection and evaluation conducted by the committee after the visit.


Additionally, the committee received a presentation in the university’s Grand Hall regarding Annex of Medicine’s opening file. This presentation included a detailed inventory of the logistical, technical, and medical personnel resources provided by the University of El Oued and the health sector to open the Annex of Medicine. The committee also heard a report on the willingness of specialized doctors and pharmacists to teach medical specialties at the university.

In the same context, the committee inspected a number of healthcare infrastructure affiliated with the regional healthcare sector, such as the Cancer Treatment Center, the Algerian-Cuban Ophthalmology Hospital, Ben Amar Djilali Hospital, Maternity and Pediatric Hospital, Addiction Center, Paramedical School, and two main Private Clinics institutions affiliated with the specialists: Ben Hayan Clinic and Al-Majd Laboratory.


During a press conference, the chair of the committee expressed her deep gratitude to the local authorities and the healthcare sector, thanking the director of the University of El-Oued for the warm hospitality and caring shown by the local authorities, the university community, and the healthcare sector. She affirmed that the committee’s task is inspection and evaluation, and a report will be submitted to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, without revealing the inspection results under “confidentiality duty.” However, she expressed admiration for the significant resources found in the field, indicating full readiness and strong willingness observed by the university, the healthcare sector, local authorities, and civil society to open a Medicine Annex at the university.


During the final working session, the governor of the El oued city dedicated a meeting to discuss the mission’s topic with the committee members and the accompanying delegation.


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