8.2.3 “Employment policy on discrimination Have a policy on ending discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age, or refugee status)”

At the University of El Oued, we are firmly committed to adhering to national regulations aimed at eliminating workplace discrimination. Our policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, sexuality, gender, age, or refugee status and aligns with the articles outlined in the Ethical Charter issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. This charter is accessible to every member of the university community, and its policies are actively promoted to ensure an inclusive and equitable environment for all. The following sections are the sections regarding this policy:


  • The researcher- professor must be a reference in terms of competences, moral values, integrity and tolerance.

He /she must embody the worthy image of the university and the scientific
research, notably by an irreproachable way of dressing, part of the respect due to his /her profession.
He/she shall perform their profession with care, diligence, competence, integrity, independence, loyalty, honesty and credibility, for the best interests of university institutions and research.
In this regard, he must:

– Refrain from any form of discrimination related to gender, nationality, ethnicity, social
status, religion, political views, disability and illness.
– Respect the confidentiality of sources, where necessary.
– Respect the work of peers and students, especially doctoral students, by citing sources and refraining from any form of plagiarism.


The student, whether a national foreigner or refugee shall not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, religious beliefs, political opinions, ethnicity or minority, social origin, illness or disability. Likewise, they shall not be subjected to psychological, moral or sexual harassment.
Without prejudice to the penal qualification and in accordance with article N° 13 of the order of the minister of higher education and scientific research N°371 of 11 June 2014, the following are constitutive of faults of the 2nd degree:
o Psychological, moral or sexual harassment
o Sexist behaviour.
o Manifestations of racism and discrimination against migrants or on the basis of gender identity, religious beliefs, political opinions, ethnicity or minority status, social origins, illness and disability.
o Hate speech relating to any form of expression that promotes, encourages or justifies discrimination, or that expresses contempt, humiliation, hostility, detestation or violence.


In addition to the professional misconduct mentioned in the above mentioned texts, the
violation of the rules set out in the present charter must also receive a fair sanction proportionate to the seriousness of the misconduct committed.
Indeed, the violation of the deontological rules now enshrined in the charter must no longer go unpunished, as:
o Psychological, moral or sexual harassment, whether committed by teachers, students or technical and support staff (ATS).
o Sexist behaviour
o Refrain from any discrimination on the basis of birth, race, gender, opinion,
or any other personal or social status or circumstance (according to the
Constitution promulgated on December 30, 2020, especially Article 37
o Hate speech relating to any form of expression that promotes, encourages or justifies discrimination, or that expresses contempt, humiliation, hostility, detestation or violence.

Violation of these constitutes 4th degree misconduct.

University charter of deontology and ethics (EN) 

University charter of deontology and ethics (Ar)