SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being

As global health challenges such as pandemics, mental health issues, and non-communicable diseases rise, the importance of holistic health initiatives in educational settings has never been more pronounced. Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3), aimed at ensuring good health and well-being for all, is a cornerstone of the global agenda that the University of El Oued has robustly adopted. With a dynamic approach encompassing education, direct health services, and community partnerships, the university is pioneering a pathway towards healthier communities.

Health Initiatives at the University of El Oued

Health Education and Awareness Programs

At the University of El Oued, the commitment to health begins with education. The university hosts regular workshops and seminars that address key health issues including mental health, nutrition, and preventive care. These programs are designed to empower students and staff with knowledge that can lead to healthier lifestyle choices.

Central to these educational efforts is the university’s well-being centre, which plays a crucial role in addressing prevalent health concerns. Here, members of the university community receive guidance and support in a welcoming environment that fosters mental and physical health.

Furthermore, the introduction of medicine as a field of study at the university reflects a strategic expansion of its educational scope, aiming to cultivate future health professionals who are not only skilled but also deeply aware of the broader social determinants of health.

On-Campus Medical Facilities

The University of El Oued ensures that health care is accessible to everyone on campus through its well-equipped medical center. This facility offers free or subsidized health services, ensuring that students and staff have immediate access to medical care for both routine health assessments and urgent health needs. This easy accessibility helps in maintaining an active approach to health and wellness within the university community.

Community Partnerships

A key component of the university’s health strategy is its partnership with local hospitals. This collaboration allows medical students from the University of El Oued to gain practical experience by working in these hospitals. More than just a learning opportunity, these placements are a way for students to contribute back to the community by engaging in health education and service delivery, effectively bridging the gap between academic learning and community health needs.