SDG17: Partnership for the Goals

Achieving the ambitious targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires strong global partnerships and cooperative efforts among governments, the private sector, and civil society. The University of El Oued is committed to Sustainable Development Goal 17, actively engaging in partnerships that enhance sustainable development globally and locally.

Initiatives for Strengthening Partnerships

Collaborative Research and Development

The University of El Oued fosters partnerships with other universities, research institutions, and private sector entities to advance sustainable development research and innovation. These collaborations often lead to breakthroughs in technology, methodologies, and strategies that contribute to multiple SDGs. Such partnerships not only enhance the university’s research capabilities but also ensure that knowledge is shared and applied effectively across borders.

International Academic Networks

The university is an active member of various international academic networks, participating in exchanges of students and faculty, joint academic programs, and collaborative projects. These networks enhance cultural understanding and strengthen educational offerings, contributing to a more interconnected and supportive global educational landscape.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

The university collaborates with private sector companies through public-private partnerships that focus on specific sustainability projects, such as renewable energy installations, sustainable agriculture practices, and community development initiatives. These partnerships not only provide the necessary financial and technological resources but also foster a practical approach to sustainable development.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, the University of El Oued aims to expand its network of partnerships by involving more stakeholders from various sectors. The university plans to focus on integrating more comprehensive sustainability goals into all partnership projects and on leveraging these collaborations to achieve greater impact in its local community and beyond.