17.2.5 “Collaboration with NGOs for SDGs Collaborate with NGOs to tackle the SDGs through: student volunteering programmes, research programmes, or development of educational resources”

The University of El Oued actively collaborates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a diverse range of initiatives, including student volunteering programs, joint research efforts, and the development of educational resources. These partnerships emphasize the university’s commitment to leveraging academic knowledge and community engagement to promote sustainable development.

Participation of the University Directorate of El Oued in the National University Radio Broadcasting Competition in Khenchela

On the morning of Wednesday, May 3, 2023, a delegation from El Oued University City traveled to Khenchela to participate in the National University Radio Broadcasting Competition organized by the University Services Directorate of Khenchela.

The delegation was seen off by Mr. Zidane Bashir, the Deputy Director of Scientific, Cultural, and Sports Activities at Martyr Hamma Lakhdar University of El Oued, and Mr. Ali Ben Khalifa, the Head of Activities at the University Services Directorate of El Oued.

The participating students had previously qualified through a local competition held in the audiovisual studio of the Media Department at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, University of El Oued.

After presenting their entries in the competition, the organizing committee arranged exploratory and field tours of key historical and tourist landmarks in Khenchela, including the historical site of the First Generation Meeting of the November 1, 1954 Revolution, Hammam Essalihine, and Ras El Hesna Mountains.

The National University Radio Broadcasting Competition concluded with a closing ceremony on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at the Lecture Hall of Martyr Abbas Laghrour University in Khenchela, where the delegation from El Oued University City was honored.


Student Volunteering Campaign: Raising Awareness About Drug Addiction and Commemorating the May 8, 1945 Massacres

As part of a student-led initiative, a campaign was organized to raise awareness about combating drug addiction and commemorate the May 8, 1945 massacres. The campaign took place at Hammi Massouda University Residence in a lively and engaging atmosphere featuring theatrical performances, musical interludes, and a variety of cultural and sports competitions.

The event was overseen by the Director of the Residence, Mr. Fouad Ben Berdi, along with administrative staff and the night supervisor, Said Amara. Leaders of the Algerian Muslim Scouts also participated, contributing a lecture on drug addiction prevention delivered by Dr. Houba Abdelghani, a faculty member at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of El Oued.

The evening included impressive theatrical performances and exceptional musical presentations organized by the scouting group, complemented by the distribution of informational brochures. The event was further enriched by the presence of international students from Uzbekistan, who were honored by the director and the activities team.

The campaign received widespread appreciation from the attendees, leaving a positive impact and fostering a sense of community and awareness among students.

جامعة الواد تطلق مرحلة المشاريع التجريبية والزراعية النباتية

Today, on March 21, 2023, El Oued University entered a new developmental field as part of the university’s openness to its economic and social environment by inaugurating the botanical experimental and farms affiliated by the Faculty of Life and Natural Sciences.|

افتتح الأمين العام لمدينة الواد ومعه رئيس الجامعة ومدير مصلحة حماية الغابات حديقة النباتات العلمية التجريبية الواقعة مقابل الإدارة المركزية للجامعة.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، حضر هذا الحدث عدد من الممثلين الإداريين للمدينة من الجامعة (رئيس الجامعة، نوابه، العمداء، رؤساء الأقسام)، الكاتب العام لمدينة الواد، المدير العام الإداري لمدينة الواد، عمدة مدينة الواد. والأمين العام لنقابة التجار، والفاعلين الاقتصاديين، وممثلي إدارة الغابات، وأساتذة كلية الحياة والعلوم الطبيعية، وأصحاب المصلحة المهتمين بالمزارع.

حسب البطاقة الفنية للمشروع ومشاريع التجارب النباتية والمزارع. يندرج في إطار استكمال تجهيزات كلية الحياة والعلوم الطبيعية. بعد ذلك، شهد المشروع عملية إعادة نظر وتعزيز بالتكنولوجيا الذكية الحديثة التي تتيح إجراء تجارب عديدة في المجال الزراعي الذكي وتساهم في تحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي المحلي في إنتاج البذور بمختلف أنواعها. تكامل المزرعة الذكية باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي في الري وعمليات معالجة الأسمدة اللازمة.

The inaugurated of botanical experimental and farms projects is divided into three sections: the section of protected crops in greenhouses, the open-field crops section, and the nursery section with a production capacity of up to 30,000 trees annually. The smart irrigation process is based on the Waterbox Irrigation System, which is a box that ensures moisture for a considerable period for young trees. This system also includes automated control rooms for smart control of water flow rate and volume, enabling the rationalization of fertilization and water resources used for irrigation, as all developmental operations for trees are carried out through electronic programming for opening and closing water valves.

من جهة أخرى، وفي إطار التوسع في المشاريع التجريبية والزراعية بجامعة الوادي، من المتوقع إطلاق مشروع مماثل جديد هذا العام لإنشاء مزرعة تجريبية هامة بميزانية مالية تقدر بحوالي سبعة مليارات سنتيم. وبحسب البطاقة الفنية للمشروع المقرر لهذه المزرعة التجريبية الزراعية، يتضمن المشروع مجالات زراعية متنوعة منها الزراعة الذكية بالري المحوري، الزراعة الذكية داخل البيوت المحمية المكيفة، الزراعة الذكية بالري بالتنقيط، الزراعة المائية، زراعة الأشجار المثمرة، زراعة النباتات الطبية وحماية النباتات المهددة بالانقراض، وكذلك مجال تحسين إنتاج البذور والشتلات. بالإضافة إلى معرض بيئي يحتوي على أنواع مختلفة من النباتات والأشجار.

The university authorities stated that these agricultural fields and specialties of botanical experimental and farms projects are available to various specialized individuals within the university and all agricultural and Life and Natural Sciences institutions in the city. Enhancing the framework of educational and research reasons with the university by providing support and accompaniment to various stakeholders and local farmers to implement various agreements declared by the university within the context of the university’s contribution for development and local agricultural production, this  helping its openness to the economic and social environment.


- التجول في المعالم التاريخية والسياحية بولاية خنشلة

Exploratory and field tours of the most important historical and tourist landmarks in the province of Khenchela: The historical landmark of the meeting of the first generation of the Revolution of November 1, 1954

Hammam Essalihine

Djebel Ras al-Hisan


University of El Oued and CNAC Agreement

1. Student Volunteering Programs

  • The agreement explicitly facilitates educational excursions and internships for university students and faculty members within institutions and departments associated with the National Unemployment Insurance Fund (CNAC). This aligns with the goal of engaging students in community-based learning and development, promoting SDG-related skills.

2. Research Programs

  • Both parties commit to participating in scientific research, projects, and programs in areas of mutual interest. This collaboration ensures shared expertise and resources for research initiatives tied to SDGs, such as tackling unemployment and fostering economic growth, directly supporting SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

3. Development of Educational Resources

  • The agreement emphasizes the use of shared scientific facilities by researchers from both parties to enhance academic research and resource development. This ensures that educational programs benefit from state-of-the-art tools and real-world data, fostering innovation and educational inclusivity.

Key Features of the Agreement

  • Duration: Two years (starting October 1, 2023).
  • Collaborating Organization: National Unemployment Insurance Fund (CNAC), Regional Office in El Oued, Algeria.
  • Focus Areas: Internships, research collaboration, shared scientific infrastructure.

مصدر: https://www.univ-eloued.dz/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/CNAC.pdf