تنسيق وتعاون ميداني بين حاضنة الأعمال بجامعة الوادي ومركز البحث العلمي والتقني في المناطق القاحلة

Coordination and Field Cooperation between the University of El Oued Business Incubator and the Scientific and Technical Research Center on Arid Areas

The University of El Oued Business Incubator and the Scientific and Technical Research Center on Arid Areas (CRSTRA) collaborated on a project to evaluate student projects on February 15, 2023, in El Oued, Algeria.

The project involved the evaluation of projects submitted by students enrolled in the University of El Oued Business Incubator under Decision 1275 (Graduation Thesis – Startup, Graduation Thesis – Patent).

The evaluation was conducted by a committee of experts from the two institutions, including:

  • Dr. Samir Boudjemaa, Head of the CRSTRA Business Incubator
  • Dr. Zinedine Khamri, Head of the Department of External Relations, Foresight, and Research Results Valorization at CRSTRA
  • Dr. Mohamed Fouad Ferhat, Director of the El Oued University Business Incubator

The committee selected a number of projects for support from the CRSTRA Business Incubator (IncubRA). These projects focus on agricultural sciences and food security.

The collaboration between the  University of El Oued Business Incubator and CRSTRA is a valuable opportunity for students to receive expert feedback on their projects and to access support for their startups.


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