الوفد الثاني من الأساتذة الباحثين من جامعة العلوم الحياتية في بوزنان ببولندا يقوم بزيارة علمية إلى جامعة الوادي في إطار برنامج إيراسموس+ لتنقل الموظفين

The Second Delegation of Research Professors from the University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland, Pays a Scientific Visit to the University of El Oued

Within the Framework of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Program

On Sunday, May 8, 2023, the Director of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Far.hati, the Vice-Rector for External Relations, Professor Guedda, El habib, the Secretary General of the University, Mr. Chawki Medellel, the Head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Ismail Mahda, and the Head of the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biotechnology Applications in the Agricultural Field, Dr. Nili Mohamed Seghir, received the second delegation of research professors from the University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland, at the central university. The Polish delegation was headed by Professor Ryszard Kowalski, an expert and researcher in food technology, Professor Marcin Tadeusz Górecki, a researcher in the field of animal sciences, and Professor Aleksandra Łangowska, a researcher in the field of entomology.

The delegation of professors will give lectures in their various fields of specialization to professors and students of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences in the specialties of agriculture, biology, and the environment in the lecture hall of the faculty. This scientific visit will last for six days.


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