دورة تدريبية مجانية لمدة ثلاثة أيام للأستاذ معمارا

دورة تدريبية مجانية لمدة ثلاثة أيام للأستاذ معمارا


On the morning of May 19, 2023, the curtain came down on the free training session led by Professor Ghofrane Maamara under the supervision of the Souf Academy School. The three-day session, which was attended by 33 students, focused on the following topics:

  • How to write a CV and apply for a job
  • Financial management
  • 21st century skills

The session was well-received by the students, especially those who are about to graduate.

The session concluded with thanks to all those who contributed to the organization of the session and wishes of success for everyone in their exams and dissertations.


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