أوزبكستان لدراسة اللغة العربية

Uzbekistan students studying Arabic

Yesterday evening 08 October students  State of Uzbekistan to study Arabic
11 Student, Student and Supervising Professor from Uzbekistan at University of EL OUED
Director of University Services, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Director of Studies, University Tires, Head of Monitoring and Coordination Department and Directors of University Residencies
The Director of University Services, Mr. Jamal GEURRICHA, affirmed in his speech to all that his tyres have gained qualitative experience through their interaction with foreign students earlier, noting that the establishment of a Hadaa salah for students and the stay of Belhadi Abdul Qader for students, adding that students and students will have escorts and escorts from university services to meet their needs and ensure that all conditions of rest are provided.
Students and applications were distributed according to their pre-planned program and students were introduced to all facilities in university residences


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