جامعة الوادي تشارك في اليوم الوطني للإعلام

جامعة الوادي تشارك في اليوم الوطني للإعلام

      The University of El Oued participated on Monday, April 24, 2023, in the National Media Week organized by the Directorate of Education of the willaya El Oued. This activity is based on open doors for students to learn more about school guidance and higher education, which is a cornerstone for them and determines their future.

The University of El Oued participated with a large delegation and a distinguished representation from all the faculties present at the university, in addition to the House of Entrepreneurship.

It is worth noting that the university’s pavilion witnessed a large turnout from students who inquired about the available specializations and their outcomes, as well as guidance counselors who communicated extensively with professors in order to open up avenues of cooperation. The official delegation also received detailed explanations on the scientific, pedagogical and distinguished supervision capabilities of the university, in addition to the policy of openness to the economic and social environment adopted by the university administration headed by the Rector, Professor Omar Farahati.

It is to be also noted that this media week, which started today, will continue until April 27, 2023, at the Abdel Aziz Sharif High School in the city center, with the participation of several other sectors related to the education and higher education sectors.


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