الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة بجامعة الوادي يختتمون ورشة تدريبية في الصحافة المحوسبة

الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة بجامعة الوادي يختتمون ورشة تدريبية في الصحافة المحوسبة

On January 31, 2023, the “Computerized Media Techniques for Persons with Disabilities” training course successfully concluded at the University of El Oued.

During the course, students with disabilities gained valuable knowledge and skills in the field of computerized media, including:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of computerized media
  • Learning various media production techniques
  • Exploring the use of technology for communication and self-expression

At the closing ceremony, students with disabilities expressed their gratitude to the entire university community, with special thanks to:

  • الأستاذ عمر فرحاتي رئيس الجامعة
  • Professor Dalal Ouachen, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages

They also acknowledged the contributions of all those who played a role in the success of this educational event.

Certificates of completion were awarded to all participants, recognizing their dedication and perseverance in mastering computerized media techniques.

This training workshop reaffirms the University of El Oued commitment to providing inclusive learning opportunities and empowering persons with disabilities to reach their full potential.



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