El Oued Judicial Council organizes a study day on “Raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and psychotropic substances” at El Oued University

El Oued Judicial Council organizes a study day on “Raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and psychotropic substances” at El Oued University

On May 31, 2023, the El Oued Judicial Council and the Abu Al-Qasim Saad Allah Grand Lecture Hall at the Shahid Hamou Lakhdar University organized a study day on raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and psychotropic substances. The event was attended by the Wali of the Wilaya, the President of the Wilaya People’s Assembly, the Attorney General of the El Oued Judicial Council, the University President Professor Omar Farhati, and the civil and military authorities of the Wilaya, as well as the President of the El Oued District, the Judiciary, the Revolutionary Family, and the University Family, including the Vice-Presidents, Deans, Professors, Students, and the Islamic Scouts and Media Families.

The University President opened the event by welcoming the attendees and praising the great efforts made and the momentum led by the El Oued Judicial Council. He thanked the Wali, all civil and military authorities, the Revolutionary Family, the Scout Organization, and the University Family for their community involvement and their constant support for the university and our youth. He also emphasized their constant commitment to preserving our society and our beloved Algeria. He added that these awareness campaigns organized by the Judicial Council, along with the efforts of the security and military authorities, the active participation of the university family in all its components, and civil society, stand as a strong barrier to protect our youth who are being targeted by a systematic campaign aimed at undermining the foundations of our dear homeland by the enemies of Algeria. He stressed that it is our duty to stand united against those who want to harm our beloved Algeria, for which millions of our righteous martyrs have sacrificed their lives. He concluded by wishing success for this study day, which proves once again the effective role of the Judiciary Family not only in applying the law but also in creating community awareness to combat this phenomenon and all other scourges.

The Wali of the Wilaya then delivered a speech in which he thanked all those involved in organizing this study day and the Judiciary Family. He also thanked the University President for his constant hosting of these events, given their great importance. The Wali highlighted the dangers of drugs and psychotropic substances on society and the individual. He pointed out that all sectors have been tasked with carrying out awareness and educational campaigns that contribute to reducing this phenomenon in order to ensure the safety of the individual and society and to preserve our homeland Algeria. He thanked everyone who contributed to the organization of this important event.

The representative of the President of the El Oued Judicial Council then spoke, pointing to the phenomenon and ways to address it. He called for the mandatory participation of civil society in combating this criminal phenomenon, which has become a source of concern for the entire society due to its negative effects on individuals and society and the damage it causes. He wished the event success.

The Attorney General spoke about the scourge of drugs and psychotropic substances and its danger to society. He also highlighted the role of the judiciary in raising awareness and promoting community participation to reduce this scourge. He thanked everyone for their efforts to reduce the dangers of these scourges.


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