لقاء تدريبي حول إجراءات المداولة النهائية وإصدار الشهادات النهائية على منصة المماطلة

لقاء تدريبي حول إجراءات المداولة النهائية وإصدار الشهادات النهائية على منصة المماطلة

On June 1, 2023, the Vice Dean of Pedagogy at the University of Martyr Hamou Laqader – El Oued, Professor Bachir Menaï, oversaw a training meeting in the discussion hall of the central library. The meeting was attended by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts in charge of studies, Dr. Nasr Dahdah, the Head of the Central Certifications Office, Mr. Belyami Tahar, and the Assistant Vice Dean of Pedagogy, Mr. Samari Tarek.

The purpose of the meeting was to finalize the procedures for the final deliberations on the Procrastination Platform and to issue the final certificates on the platform. This is the first time that certificates have been issued in the faculties under the direction of the University President, Professor Omar Farahati, and his Vice Dean of Pedagogy, in order to avoid errors and to deliver certificates according to the scheduled timetable.

The training meeting was led by engineer El Aid Kenioua for the benefit of the heads of education departments and engineers in the faculties.


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