بدء تقييم المشروعات الناشئة بجامعة الوادي

بدء تقييم المشروعات الناشئة بجامعة الوادي

الوادي، الجزائر – On January 29, 2023, the evaluation process for student projects registered under the framework of Ministerial Decision 75/12 began at the El Oued University Business Incubator. The decision concerns the “Graduation Memorandum for a Startup – Patent” and will last for two full days.

The university president, Professor Omar Ferhatti, visited the evaluation process of the committees tasked with assessing the student projects. These projects are candidates to become investment, service, or micro-enterprises.

According to the director of the business incubator, Dr. Mohamed Ferhat, the committees have registered around 275 projects submitted by undergraduate and master’s students. Ten committees, supervised by 60 experienced professors specialized in evaluating projects of different specialties and types, will assess the projects. Each committee will evaluate between 20 and 70 project files after the students present their projects on the screen in front of the evaluation committees.

The following is a list of the committees overseeing the evaluation process:

  1. Committee on Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences
  2. Committee on Biotechnology and Health
  3. Committee on Manufacturing Industries
  4. Committee on Basic Sciences
  5. Committee on Energy, Renewable Energy, and Energy Efficiency
  6. Committee on Agricultural Security
  7. Committee on Information and Communication Technology
  8. Committee on Transportation, Construction, Planning, and Urban Development
  9. Committee on Technology and Pharmaceutical Materials
  10. Committee on Environment and Biology


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