جامعة الوادي تنظم يوما دراسيا حول آليات تنفيذ القرار 1275 المتعلق بشهادة المؤسسة البادئة

جامعة الوادي تنظم يوما دراسيا حول آليات تنفيذ القرار 1275 المتعلق بشهادة المؤسسة البادئة

On Monday, November 21, 2022, the University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder in El Oued organized a study day in the large lecture hall on Decision 1275 concerning the Graduation Certificate-Start-up Institution.

The event was opened by the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, who emphasized the importance of taking advantage of such decisions that encourage university students to think about their own projects instead of waiting for a job. He also confirmed that the university has provided all the necessary means to support project owners in transforming their ideas into institutions. He praised the great efforts made by the university’s business incubator and the entrepreneurship center for developing a clear strategy for implementing these mechanisms.

In his detailed lecture, the Director of the Entrepreneurship Center, Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel-Laoui, explained the main axes of the decision and how to implement them, especially the pedagogical axis, the training and awareness axis, and the axis of the relationship with the environment. He also provided the students with a detailed explanation of how to get involved in this process from the idea to the discussion of the work.

The Director of the University Incubator, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, also addressed the main axes included in Decision 1275, which are the mechanism for obtaining a patent, the process of incubating and financing ideas, and the fact that the Cati Center provides free services to owners of innovative projects.

In the same context, Dr. Abdelhamid Faraj discussed how to obtain the five-star student certificate, explaining its axes and how to get involved. He emphasized that the university student, despite his pedagogical obligations, must also participate in university life in general.

The meeting ended with a rich discussion between the lecturers, the interested students, and the attending professors.

In a related context, and since this event is the closing day of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, awarded the decision to approve the first scientific club this season, which is the establishment of the “Creativity and Entrepreneurship Club”.


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