مناقشة أول أطروحة تخرج مشتركة ضمن القرار الوزاري بشأن شهادة/براءة اختراع مؤسسة ناشئة

مناقشة أول أطروحة تخرج مشتركة ضمن القرار الوزاري بشأن شهادة/براءة اختراع مؤسسة ناشئة

Today, Monday, June 12, 2023, at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar and in the MediaTek Lecture Hall, the first joint master’s graduation thesis was discussed to obtain a start-up enterprise certificate/patent under the framework of Ministerial Resolution No. 1275 of September 27, 2022 under the framework of Circular No. 001 of May 18, 2023. Tagged with: “Rapid treatment of polluted water using palm waste” was prepared by the work team consisting of Dr. Al-Arabi Haddad, a lecturer at the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Department of Chemistry, as a supervisor, and the students Khadija Tarili, Razia Al-Laqeel, Muhammad Osama Hathroubi, Hasnaa Gharbi and Ramisa bin Omar. The memorandum was discussed by the committee consisting of Professor Naima Bin Sheikha, Chairman of the College of Exact Sciences, Al-Jilani Ghamam Amara, Examiner from the College of Natural and Life Sciences, Khaled Mansouri, representative of the University Business Incubator, Mufid Abdel-Lawi, Director of the Contracting House, and Messrs. Youssef Rajab, representative of the Technology and Innovation Support Center. , Hisham Mahida, representative of the economic partner, the National Office for Disinfection in the Valley, and Hamza Saray, representative of the economic partner, the Algerian Water Company, the Valley Unit, in the presence of Mr. Lakhdar Atallah, director of the Algerian Water Company, and a number of executives from the institution, and the director of the incubator, Dr. Fouad Farhat, and Professor Dr. Abdel-Wahab Mansour. Dean of the College of Exact Sciences and his deputy for external relations and scientific research, and Dean of the College of Natural and Life Sciences, Dr. Abdul Malik Zaatar and his deputies for studies and external relations.

After the opening of the meeting by the incubator director, the students reviewed three basic topics in their studies: the possibility of using palm waste as pass-through materials in the field of water treatment, re-exploiting and recycling these materials, and the possibility of using treated water in agricultural irrigation. The results were very promising on the research and economic levels, and the research team reached several important recommendations.

Both committee members and attendees also expressed interest in the topic due to its close connection to living reality, especially with what the world knows today regarding the problem of water pollution.

It is worth noting that the research team is the first at the national level whose team includes two different specializations, namely organic chemistry and environmental and environmental diversity from the faculties of exact sciences and natural and life sciences, which the supervisor stressed on the necessity and possibility of unifying efforts among everyone, especially if the problem studied relates to the most important. A substance on the face of the earth, which is water. It must also be noted that the team has obtained a patent for an invention and is waiting to obtain the mark for an innovative project, which is what was mentioned by the same supervisor. The discussion concluded with the committee congratulating the supervisor for his clear efforts and awarding the students the full mark with distinction. .

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