مدير الجامعة يزور ويتفقد قسم الترجمة بكلية الآداب واللغات

مدير الجامعة يزور ويتفقد قسم الترجمة بكلية الآداب واللغات

On Monday, September 25, 2023, the Rector of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Ferahti, accompanied by  Vice-Rector for External Relations, Professor gueddah El Habib, paid a visit to the Translation Department at the Faculty of Arts and Languages. He was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Dalal Ouchen, vice Dean for Studies, Dr. Nacer Dahdah, and the administrative and pedagogical staff of the Faculty. The University Rector inspected the progress of the classes and all the facilities available to the translation students. He gave a speech to the students, congratulating them on their affiliation to the translation specialization and stressing the importance of language and translation in particular in the scientific, research and professional life of the future graduates of this department, which was opened at the University of El Oued during this season 2023/2024. He offered them many useful pieces of advice for their university career and their study of the specialization, thanking the efforts of the Dean of the Faculty and all her staff for their continuous work to develop the research and scientific side and to follow the orientations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and to train professors and students in the English language, as the opening to languages is a goal to create a diverse culture that benefits the researcher in his scientific and academic field.

مصدر: https://www.univ-eloued.dz/insp-transla/

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