جامعة الوادي تحيي ذكرى يوم النصر الوطني الـ 61

جامعة الوادي تحيي ذكرى يوم النصر الوطني الـ 61

In commemoration of the 61st National Victory Day, El Oued University with collaboration of the Social and Human Sciences Faculty, organized an event today, Monday, March 20th, 2023. The event was held under the supervision of the rector university, Professor Omar Ferhati, and the dean of the faculty, Dr. Amar Graissa. As a tribute to the national occasion and in honor of Martyrs’ Month, the college hosted numerous activities focusing on national memory content and commemorating Victory Day on March 19.

A grand celebration was held at the faculty attended by:

  1. The the rector of the university, Professor Omar Ferhati,
  2. The provincial director of veterans(The state director of the Mujahideen),
  3. Professor Fouzi Masmoudi,
  4. The grandson of the martyr Hama Lakhder,
  5. Mr. Lemaqdam Boubekeur,
  6. The director of the Martyrs Museum, Dr. Ghemam Amarrah,

As well the university’s vice-rector for pedagogy, Professor Bachir Manaai, the university’s general secretary, Chouki Madalal, the sub-director of activities and media communications, along with faculty staff, including deans, the vice-dean of faculty, the head of department, and members of the faculty, including professors, students, employees, and staffs.

The dean of the faculty, Dr. Amar Graissa, delivered a welcoming speech, outlining the activities commemorating the 61st anniversary of Victory Day, followed by a speech from the director of veterans, who praised the role of the university, its rector Professor Omar Ferhati, the dean of the faculty, and all participants, paying tribute to the El Oued region and its contributions to the liberation of Algeria. The university director then officially opened the historic event, welcoming the attendees and emphasizing the importance of these activities in connecting the liberation generation of our martyrs with the present generation, who bear the legacy of the martyrs.


He addressed the university community and our dear students, praising their role in upholding the name of “Shahid Hama Lakhder” University and Algeria in the arenas of science and knowledge, urging them to be the best successors to the best predecessors.


The event continued with lectures and National anthems presented by Professor Othman Zaqb on the role of Algerian diplomacy in achieving victory, as well as performances by young students from Nghemoush Mohamed Tahar Elementary School, who delivered patriotic songs and plays that deeply touched the audience with their sincerity, national consciousness, and beauty of spirit in love for Algeria.


The rector of university, the director of veterans, and the dean of the faculty honored representatives of the university community and the revolutionary family of the martyr Hama Lakhder, represented by his grandson, Mr. Boubekeur Lemaqdam. The ceremony concluded with a national anthem performed by the young children of Algeria, students of Nghemoush Mohamed Tahar primary School, proudly holding the National Flag.


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