مدير جامعة الوادي يستقبل أعضاء لجنة المجلس الشعبي الولائي لإقليم المغير المكلفين بالملف الملحق للجامعة

مدير جامعة الوادي يستقبل أعضاء لجنة المجلس الشعبي الولائي لإقليم المغير المكلفين بالملف الملحق للجامعة

On January 24, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhder received the members of the Committee of the Wilaya People’s Assembly of M’Ghir Province in charge of the file of the university annex planned to be opened in this young province.

The members of the Wilaya People’s Assembly Committee were also received by the members of the University Committee of El Oued University in charge of preparing the file of the university annex in M’Ghir, namely Professors Tariq Samari, Adel Djaribi, and Amar Ben Mih. The members of the university committee had previously met with the Wali of the province, the President of the Wilaya People’s Assembly, and civil society actors, elected officials, and administrators in the framework of expanding consultation and taking suggestions for the creation of this new university facility in M’Ghir.

The Committee of the Wilaya People’s Assembly of M’Ghir Province is composed of Mr. Harabi Abdel Rahman, the Committee President, and members: Mohamed El Bar, Boutamer Belkacem, and Ben Naji Belkacem.

Professor Miloudi Abdel Munem gave a presentation on the latest developments in the university annex file, which consists of a proposal for a multi-technical institute. The institute will include a department of engineering methods and a department of electricity, and the two departments will include a number of specializations in the field.

The Director of the University explained that this university facility is considered the first nucleus of a future university center, God willing, according to the possibilities and the size of the pedagogical map for new university students and their desires in the specializations.

The Director of the University and the members of the Wilaya People’s Assembly Committee also praised the spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding between the two parties in the service of the university and the province of M’Ghir, especially since El Oued University, as he said, has favored from the beginning the choices proposed by the inhabitants of M’Ghir Province, headed by the Wali of the province, the Wilaya People’s Assembly, and civil society, in line with the desires and needs of the population.

The Director of the University confirmed that the file of the university annex in M’Ghir Province will be in the hands of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research next week.

End of translation.


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