Concluye sus trabajos el Segundo Simposio Nacional de Patrimonio

In implementation of the directives of the Rector of The University of El Oued , Professor Omar Farahti, regarding the opening of the University of El Oued to its social, economic and cultural environment, the second national conference on heritage was concluded today, May 16, 2023. The conference was organized in coordination between the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, the Directorate of Culture and the Customs Inspectorate in El Oued, and was held at the Mohamed El Amin El Oumoudi Cultural Center.

The second national conference on heritage opened its sessions at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences yesterday with scientific sessions and interventions. On its second day, the work continued at the Cultural Center under the supervision of a number of specialized professors.

The conference concluded with a number of recommendations praising the role of the university and its openness to the cultural environment. It also extended special thanks to the Rector of the University, the Dean of the Faculty and all the professors who participated in the work of the conference.

The closing ceremony was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Ammar Ghraissa, accompanied by officials from the cultural sector in the wilaya. The professors who participated in the conference were honored by the officials of the cultural sector and the Dean.

Here are the specific recommendations of the conference:

  • The importance of preserving and promoting heritage as a fundamental component of national identity.
  • The need to strengthen the role of the university in the field of heritage research and documentation.
  • The importance of cooperation between the university and the various actors in the field of heritage, including civil society and local authorities.
  • The need to raise awareness of the importance of heritage among the general public, especially young people.

The conference was a success in terms of both participation and the quality of the scientific interventions. It is hoped that the recommendations of the conference will be implemented in order to contribute to the preservation and promotion of heritage in Algeria.


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