Potenciar habilidades: una jornada de formación para estudiantes con alto potencial en técnicas de programación en la Universidad El Oued

Potenciar habilidades: una jornada de formación para estudiantes con alto potencial en técnicas de programación en la Universidad El Oued

Under the supervision of the University’s Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, the “Basma Amal” Club, in coordination with the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Exact Sciences, organized a training day on May 11, 2023, for students with high potential in the field of activating digitalization and electronic programming.

The event was attended by the Vice Rector of the University for Scientific Research, Professor Boubaker Mansour, the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Professor Abdelwahab Mansour, a group of professors, specialists, students, and the President of the Basma Amal Club, student Khamesty Achab.

The training day began with a speech by the President of the Basma Amal Club, in which he praised the efforts of the University Rector for his continuous work to develop the university and achieve the aspirations of students with high potential. He also appreciated the efforts of the Vice Rector for Scientific Research, the Dean of the Faculty, the Media Cell, the Activities Directorate, the professors, and the students for their efforts in supporting this important group.

The Dean of the Faculty then gave a speech in which he emphasized the importance of the activities of students with high potential and stated that they hold a special place in our hearts and minds.

The Vice Rector of the University then declared the opening of the activity on behalf of himself and the University’S Rector, who pays special attention to this group of students and their active scientific contributions to the university.

The students with high potential then moved to the computer science and programming research laboratories to begin the training with a group of specialists.

This activity comes within the framework of activating the digitalization mechanism and contributing to achieving technological equity. The President of the Basmat Amal Club stated that this activity aims to integrate this group into the scientific and technological system and that they are an integral part of the student body in keeping pace with scientific and research modernization.

The club also honored some of the contributors to the training day.


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