Proceso de selección de estudiantes para la beca Erasmus para estudiar un semestre completo en la Universidad Técnica de Riga

Proceso de selección de estudiantes para la beca Erasmus para estudiar un semestre completo en la Universidad Técnica de Riga

Within the framework of student mobility in the Erasmus program, the University of   El Oued – today studied the files of candidates for a scholarship to Latvia to study a full semester at full costs at Riga Technical University.

A specialized committee composed of:

  • Professor Faris Asadi

  • Dr. Chaimaa Manaai

supervised the study of the files.

The selection criteria were as follows:

  • Academic excellence

  • Motivation letter

  • Recommendation letters

  • English language proficiency

The committee interviewed the shortlisted candidates and selected the best candidates based on the above criteria.

The selected candidates will receive a full scholarship to cover their tuition, travel, and living expenses for the full semester at Riga Technical University.

Congratulations to the selected candidates!


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