El rector de la Universidad de El Oued y su delegación acompañante participan en el Foro Internacional de Innovación y firman acuerdos de cooperación

El rector de la Universidad de El Oued y su delegación acompañante participan en el Foro Internacional de Innovación y firman acuerdos de cooperación

At the invitation of the Director of Tashkent University of World Languages, Professor Omar Ferhati, Rector of the University of  El Oued – and his accompanying delegation participated in the International Innovation Forum organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan, with the participation of many international bodies, including South Korea, India, the Emirates, Estonia, Hungary, etc.

The Algerian delegation was present at the various activities related to this important event, including interventions and presentations by the participants in the forum, who highlighted their different experiences in the field of innovation development.

The Algerian delegation was accompanied by the Director of Tashkent University and the Director of Namangan University of Languages.

On the sidelines of the forum, two cooperation agreements were signed with the University of El Oued:

  • Cooperation agreement and annex with the State University of World Languages in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
  • Cooperation agreement with the Namangan University of Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan.

These agreements focus on ways of joint cooperation, especially in the field of student and professor exchange and language development.


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