La Universidad de El Oued obtiene los máximos honores en el festival estudiantil tunecino-argelino

La Universidad de El Oued obtiene los máximos honores en el festival estudiantil tunecino-argelino

After the crowning of student Zalouma Mohammed ElHabib in the marathon competition, student artist Salah Eddine Kadouri won the mural painting competition in the Arabic calligraphy specialization at the Tunisian-Algerian Student Festival in Kairaouan. He received special recognition from the jury, which consisted of the world-renowned artist Safwan Milad and a committee of other distinguished artists. Student Ayaa Warda also won second place in the mural painting competition in the visual arts specialization.

On this occasion, the Rector of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, honored the Rector of the University of Kairaouan, Professor Taha Guerfal, and the Rector of the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology in Kairaouan, Professor El Hadi Dhouibi, and Mr. Nizar Haddad, the Festival Governor. The honors were presented on his behalf by Mr. Zidane Bashir, the Deputy Director of Activities at the University of El Oued. The festival also honored the Rector of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, and awarded him the festival medal.


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