The University of El Oued receives the first-ever “Study in Algeria” certification.

The University of El Oued receives the First-ever “Study in Algeria” Certification

On November 27, 2023, Professor Kamal Bedari, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, oversaw the presentation of the “Study in Algeria” one-star accreditation to fifteen universities and university residences. The ceremony was attended by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives from the national community abroad, as well as thirty attachés from diplomatic missions in Algeria. Professor Omar Ferhati, Rector of the University of El Oued was honoured to receive the inaugural “Study in Algeria” label from Professor Kamal Bedari for demonstrating academic excellence and providing comprehensive scientific facilities and accommodation services following a thorough evaluation process conducted by a national committee mandated to assess compliance with standards set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research aimed at enhancing international student enrollment and promoting studying opportunities in Algeria.

The ranking of the universities awarded the “Study in Algeria” one-star label is as follows:

  1. University of El Oued
  2. University of Boumerdès
  3. University of Mostaganem
  4. University of Khemis Miliana
  5. University of Laghouat
  6. University of Bejaïa
  7. University of Bouira
  8. University of Tizi Ouzou
  9. University Center of Tipaza
  10. University of Blida 1
  11. University of Algiers 3
  12. University of Algiers 1
  13. University of Science and Technology
  14. University of M’sila
  15. University of Algiers 2

The “Study in Algeria” label is valid for one year from the date of its award, aiming to foster a spirit of competition among universities.


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