El rector de la Universidad de El Oued celebra una reunión de evaluación sobre la creación de filiales económicas universitarias y otras cuestiones diversas.

El rector de la Universidad de El Oued celebra una reunión de evaluación sobre la creación de filiales económicas universitarias y otras cuestiones diversas.

On January 8, 2023, Professor Omar Ferhati, the Rector of the University of El Oued, convened an evaluation meeting to address a range of university-related matters. The meeting brought together the Vice-Rectors of the University, the Deans of Faculties, the Director of the Higher School of Agriculture, the Director of Entrepreneurship, the Director of the Business Incubator, the Secretary-General of the University, the Secretaries-General of the Faculties, and the officials of the University Ranking and Visibility Committee.

The Rector of the University presented the meeting agenda, which covered the following topics:

  • Establishment of university economic subsidiaries under the University of El Oued: Several potential subsidiaries were proposed.
  • University ranking and visibility: Strategies to enhance the university’s standing and reputation were discussed.
  • Preparation for the introduction of the medical specialty at the University of El Oued: The progress of the preparatory phase was reviewed.
  • Monitoring the progress of doctoral thesis competition preparations: The competition is scheduled to take place on February 4 and 11, 2023, at the University of El Oued.
  • Miscellaneous items: Other relevant university matters were addressed.

In accordance with the rectors’s directives, the attendees thoroughly examined all the agenda items and proposed a set of constructive suggestions aimed at enhancing university activities and aligning with the new ministerial strategy, particularly in terms of openness to the social and economic environment.


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