La Universidad de El Oued organiza una jornada de estudio sobre el papel nacional del Movimiento Scout en las etapas de liberación y construcción del Estado

La Universidad de El Oued organiza una jornada de estudio sobre el papel nacional del Movimiento Scout en las etapas de liberación y construcción del Estado

On the occasion of the double anniversary of the National Day of Memory and the National Day of Islamic Scouting, which coincides with the 82nd anniversary of the martyrdom of the founder of the Scouting movement, Commander Mohamed Bouras, the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Shahid Hamma Lakhdar, in coordination with the Directorate of Mujahideen and the Algerian Islamic Scouting Association, organized a study day on the national role of the Scouting movement in the liberation and state-building stages on May 17, 2023, in the Mediatheque Hall. The event was attended by Mr. Said Akrouf, Wali of El Oued Province, Mr. Azzedine Hassani, President of the Wilaya People’s Assembly, Professor Omar Farahati, Director of the University, the President of the El Oued District, members of the national and local elected councils, security authorities, the Director of Mujahideen, executives of the Islamic Scouts, the Conservator of Forests, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, professors, specialists, and the media family.

The Director of the University opened the proceedings of the study day by welcoming the attendees and praising the efforts of the Islamic Scouting family for its lofty goals, national, educational, and high moral values that always contribute to the development and preservation of society. The Director also congratulated the inhabitants of the wilaya on the occasion of the promotion of the Union Sportive Suvienne (USS) football team to the first national division after a series of victories achieved thanks to the distinguished role of the club president and the support of the local and elected authorities. He added that this achievement is a continuation of the many victories achieved by a number of local sports teams in the wilaya, and declared the opening of the study day in the name of the Wali of the wilaya.

The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Dr. Amar Ghraiess, also gave a welcome speech to the attendees, and pointed out the occasion and the celebration of the National Day of Islamic Scouting, which always serves the الوطن and the citizen and instills the values of religion and الوطن in the hearts of young people. He also mentioned the commemoration of the martyrdom of the founder of the Scouting movement, Commander Bouras Mohamed, and wished success for this study day.

Mr. Boumchra Abdelhaq, representing the Chief Scout of the Islamic Scouts, gave a speech in which he mentioned the importance and foundations of this scouting family as a prestigious school in instilling the Islamic identity and developing the national spirit. He also paid tribute to the Algerian mujahideen and mujahidat, and a video about the Islamic Scouts was shown during the event.

On this occasion, the families of the mujahideen Abdelkader El Oumoudi, Tayeb Kharraz, and Alawite Saleh were honored for their efforts and sacrifices for the elouaten. Glory and immortality to our righteous martyrs.


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