Reunión de Coordinación de las Universidades Fronterizas de Argelia y Túnez en el marco del Acuerdo 5+5

Reunión de Coordinación de las Universidades Fronterizas de Argelia y Túnez en el marco del Acuerdo 5+5

      On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, Professor Guedda, El Habib, Vice Rector of External Relations and Cooperation at the University of  El Oued, held a coordination meeting via videoconference with the Vice Rectors and Rectors of Algerian and Tunisian border universities under the framework of the 5+5 Agreement.

     The meeting covered a number of points, including the final preparation to the program of the meeting scheduled to take place at the University of Jendouba on May 11 and 12, 2023. A number of proposals were made in order to achieve the objectives of the framework agreement.

   It is worth noting that the meeting will witness the signing of 25 twinning agreements between Algerian and Tunisian universities.


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