University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder – El Oued – First University to Launch a Five-Star Student Website

University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder – El Oued – First University to Launch a Five-Star Student Website

Within the framework of the policy pursued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research concerning digitization, and in order to encourage students to contribute to the positive dynamics within university life in all its scientific, pedagogical and cultural dimensions, and on the occasion of the celebration of the 67th anniversary of Student Day, corresponding to May 19th, and within the framework of the activities of the Student Day celebration held on Thursday, May 18th, 2023, Mr. Omar Farahati, Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder, accompanied by his deputies and the President of the Five-Star Student Committee, launched a website dedicated to the Five-Star Student, which contains information about the certificate, the conditions for obtaining it, the meetings of the committee, the names of its members, the announcements related to it, as well as the minutes of the committee’s deliberations and all that is new regarding the student’s file submission for the Five-Star Certificate through the following link:

Registration will continue until June 15th, 2023. Students can also apply for one star or more, according to their wishes. It is not a condition to obtain five stars to register, as stated by Dr. Abdelhamid Ferj, President of the Five-Star Student Committee.

Here are some of the key features of the website:

  • Information about the Five-Star Student Certificate, including its goals, objectives, and benefits.
  • The conditions for obtaining the certificate, including academic requirements, extracurricular activities, and community service.
  • The meetings of the Five-Star Student Committee, including the dates, times, and agendas.
  • The names and biographies of the members of the Five-Star Student Committee.
  • Announcements related to the Five-Star Student Certificate, such as upcoming deadlines and events.
  • The minutes of the Five-Star Student Committee’s deliberations.
  • Instructions on how to submit a file for the Five-Star Student Certificate.

The website is a valuable resource for students who are interested in obtaining the Five-Star Student Certificate. It provides them with all the information they need to know about the certificate, the application process, and the benefits of obtaining it.

The website is also a valuable resource for the University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder. It allows the university to showcase its commitment to student success and to promote the Five-Star Student Certificate program.


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