Discusión de la Primera Tesis Nacional de Graduación según la Decisión 1275 en la Universidad El Oued

Discusión de la Primera Tesis Nacional de Graduación según la Decisión 1275 en la Universidad El Oued

On May 29, 2023, at 9:00 AM, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Shahid Hamma Lakhdar, accompanied by his deputies for pedagogy and foresight, the heads of the university incubator, the director of the research unit, the head of the entrepreneurship house, and representatives of the Center for Support of Technology and Innovation (CATI), as well as the heads of the Department of Methods Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, met at the Manufacturing Laboratory in the University Business Incubator to launch the first national discussion of graduation projects for students registered under Ministerial Decision No. 1275. The launch included four projects from the Faculty of Technology, Department of Methods Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The University Director, accompanied by the head of the incubator, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Ferhat, examined the initial prototypes of the innovative graduation projects and learned about their working principles, how they are used, and their chances of success in the economic market. He also listened to several explanations from the students and supervising professors, encouraging them to continue this excellence in order to launch their own start-ups.

In his opening speech, the University Director thanked the incubator staff, supervisors, and trainers, and promised the students that the support provided by the incubator would continue, in line with the strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to enable students to become active contributors to wealth creation and real contributors to building the national economy.

The graduation projects for students registered under Ministerial Decision No. 1275, which included four projects from the Faculty of Technology, were supervised by Professors Hamidi Hedia, Amar Ben Mih, and Zghoud Samia. The first national graduation thesis under Decision 1275 was discussed by students Asma Qashout, Bay Ishraq, and Shahinz Shaqa, under the supervision of Dr. Al-Abyad Shoaib and in the presence of the economic partner represented by the Gari Group of Electrical Works. During the discussion, the device was presented as a prototype for a patent, with the presentation of the features and details of the device. The topic of the project was “An intelligent device that protects electrical appliances from damage caused by sudden voltage spikes and drops, with testing of the ground socket.”

Después de las deliberaciones, el comité de discusión decidió otorgar a los estudiantes el título de maestría con honores.


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