La Universidad de El Oued... ocupa el primer lugar a nivel nacional en otorgar a sus estudiantes el certificado “Estudiante de Cinco Estrellas”.

The University of El Oued.. ranks first nationally in awarding its students the “Five-Star Student” certificate

Today, January 23, 2023, the University of El Oued achieved a new success in its distinguished record, adding to its previous accomplishments. This well-deserved success entails awarding the “Five-Star Student” certificate to seven of its outstanding students, making it the first university nationally to excel in this remarkable achievement.

The award ceremony and distribution of the “Five-Star Student” certificates to the seven students were overseen by Mr. Bouchaer Merzouk Fahim, Deputy Chairman of the Regional University Committee for the East in Constantine, in the presence of the University’s Rector, Professor Omar Ferhati. The event was attended by the Vice-Rectors, deans of faculties, their deputies for pedagogy, the University’s Secretary-General, the Director of Entrepreneurship, the Director of the Business Incubator, the Chair of the University’s Visual Committee, and the Chair of the Five-Star Student Committee, along with faculty members and students. The ceremony took place in the grand lecture hall named after Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah.

The “Five-Star Student” certificate is one of the new pedagogical initiatives introduced by the Ministry, to which the University of Ouargla promptly engaged. This distinguished certificate was established according to Decision No. 1410 dated September 22, 2022. Since the establishment of the local committee for the Five-Star Student certificate, headed by Dr. Faraj Abdelhamid, and including several professors and representatives of public institutions affiliated with the university, a major awareness campaign has been programmed across the university’s eight faculties to educate students about the importance of this certificate and its evaluation criteria.

The evaluation criteria include achieving the required level of success in five areas of student life: academic proficiency, scientific skills, engagement with the economic and social environment, participation in various activities, and solidarity activities.

According to Professor Omar Ferhati, the University’s Rector, the Five-Star Student certificate process aligns with the Ministry’s new directives and the significant momentum initiated by the Minister of Education and Scientific Research, Professor. Kamal Baddari, through major workshops organized by the Ministry. He highlighted the significance of this recognition for seven students out of a total of 88 candidates. This achievement positions the University of Ouargla among the leading universities nationally. He emphasized that this certificate enables recipients to benefit from scholarships for study and internships abroad.

Dr. Faraj Abdelhamid, Chair of the Five-Star Student Committee, confirmed that preparatory meetings were held prior to the process to adjust the organizational and administrative procedures for receiving and processing student files. The committee began receiving files upon its establishment, opening a dedicated platform following the Ministry’s digitization methodology. In the initial phase, the committee received 88 files from students applying for the Five-Star Student certificate. The committee reconvened to process these files according to the approved criteria, resulting in seven students from various faculties being awarded the Five-Star Student certificate, while evaluations for the remaining students ranged from one star to four stars, depending on the fulfillment of the required conditions.

Names of students awarded the Five-Star Student certificate:

  1. Mahajer Saeed Eddine, Faculty of Exact Sciences
  2. Khachkhoush Osama, Faculty of Exact Sciences
  3. Tlili Mohamed Jamal, Faculty of Technology
  4. Mourad Ghazalane, Faculty of Economics, Commercial, and Management Sciences
  5. Youssef Qanoua, Faculty of Technology
  6. Adam Bahri, Faculty of Technology
  7. Khemissi Ashab, Faculty of Law and Political Science


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