El Hope Footprint Club para personas altamente ambiciosas de la Universidad de El Oued celebra una ceremonia de clausura en honor a los miembros del club que se gradúan y sus acompañantes

El Hope Footprint Club para personas altamente ambiciosas de la Universidad de El Oued celebra una ceremonia de clausura en honor a los miembros del club que se gradúan y sus acompañantes

El Oued, Argelia – On June 21, 2023, the Hope Footprint Club for the Highly Ambitious at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Shahid Hamma Lakhdar held a closing ceremony in honor of the graduating members of the club. The ceremony was attended by the University President, Professor Omar Farahati; the Vice President for External Relations, Professor Kadda Habib; the Vice President for Scientific Research, Professor Boubaker Mansour; the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Amar Graissa; the Secretary General of the Faculty; and representatives of the Directorate of Activities and the Director of the Center for Psychological Assistance.

In his speech, the University President welcomed the attendees and praised the efforts made by the active club, headed by student Khamisti عشاب, and its effectiveness throughout many seasons, especially this distinguished season with its local achievements, including a Braille training course, a cultural, scientific, and sports week, field and national visits, and the participation of the Hope Footprint Club in a training day for the National Institute for Educational Research. He also participated in the ولاية الجلفة with nine first places, and others. The director pointed out that we are all at the service of this dear group in our hearts and wished them all success and success.

The Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences also expressed his happiness to attend the ceremony and praised this group, which has proven its high capabilities at the level of the university and society. The head of the Hope Footprint Club gave a speech in which he thanked the University President, Professor Omar Farahati, whom he considers the father, older brother, and permanent support, who we always find with us and his support for all the club’s activities and for all his efforts made to raise the university to the high level. He also praised the efforts of the Dean of the Faculty, the Secretary General of the Faculty, and the entire university family for standing with the club throughout the season and for their support.

In conclusion, the ceremony witnessed the honoring of the club members by the University President in an atmosphere in which the feelings of all the attendees were mixed with the strong hope and love for our students with high ambitions.

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