Una reunión de coordinación para mejorar el servicio de internet en las residencias universitarias de la Universidad de El Oued.

A coordination meeting to improve internet service in the university residences at the University of El Oued

In accordance with the Vice-Rectors of Professor Omar Ferhati, the Rector of the University of El Oued, a coordination meeting was held at the Vice-Rector for Development, Foresight, and Guidance regarding the improvement of internet service and enhancing its bandwidth across all university residences in El Oued.

The meeting was supervised by Dr. Abdelhalim Lassoued, the Vice-Rector of the University for Development and Foresight, and attended by Mr. Jamal Guerricha, the Vice-Rector of University Services, and Mr. El-Mouldi Chouchani, the Head of Coordination Department at the Directorate of University Services, along with administrative, technical, and commercial representatives from the Algerian Telecommunications Directorate in El Oued. The participants established a timeline to diagnose the technical and material requirements necessary to enhance internet bandwidth at all university residences and committed to providing and implementing these improvements in the field as soon as possible.

Fuente: https://www.univ-eloued.dz/re_int/



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