Los miembros del Club Basmat Amal reciben tarjeta deportiva universitaria y bastones inteligentes

Los miembros del Club Basmat Amal reciben tarjeta deportiva universitaria y bastones inteligentes

People with disabilities and members of the Basmat Amal Club make a difference at the University of El Oued by obtaining a university sports card and smart canes that help the persons with vision impairment walk and move prepared by: Khiari Ahmed Khiari, his colleague Mahmoud, and color drawing boards prepared by Mohamed Kessab.

These achievements also reflect the tireless work of the University of El Oued and its various components to overcome the difficulties faced by people with disabilities and to show its interest in their participation in the scientific, cultural, intellectual, and sports movements at the university. This is all in order to create a suitable environment for continuing the series of successes and achievements.


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