El renombrado lingüista Noam Chomsky fue el invitado de honor de un evento académico en la Universidad de El Oued.

Renowned linguist Noam Chomsky hosted as a guest of honor for an academic event at the University of El Oued

Last evening, Wednesday, February 22, 2023, the University of El Oued had the honor of hosting the world-renowned linguistic and communication expert, Professor Noam Chomsky, who delivered a presentation via Zoom from Arizona, USA.

Chomsky accepted an invitation from the English Language Department of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, marking the first invitation he accepted to present at an Algerian university as part of the International Conference on English for Specific Purposes, which lasted for two days.

The proceedings of Chomsky’s presentation, titled “Language Study and its Many Mysteries,” were attended by the University Rector, Professor Omar Ferhati, the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Dalal Ouachen, members of the scientific and organizational committees of the conference, English Language department faculty members, professors participating in the scientific event, as well as students and individuals interested in linguistic research and Chomsky’s theoretical developments. Chomsky greeted them on the occasion and thanked the university for the academic hospitality.

Following his valuable presentation, Chomsky entertained a series of core questions, to which he responded elaborately and comprehensively.


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