Jornadas tecnológicas para el establecimiento de un centro de excelencia para aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial en la agricultura del desierto en la Universidad de El Oued.

Jornadas tecnológicas para el establecimiento de un centro de excelencia para aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial en la agricultura del desierto en la Universidad de El Oued.

Today, February 25, Professor Omar Ferhati, the Rector of the University of El Oued, along with the Vice-Rector for external relations, Professor Guedda El-Habib, and the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Professor Abdelouahab Mansour, presided over the opening of the Technology Days for Establishing a Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence Applications in Desert Agriculture at the University of El Oued. The event was attended by Professor Mokhtar Salami, the Director of the National Center for Scientific Research CNRT, the directors of the National Schools of Desert Agriculture in Al-Wadi and Adrar, Professors Slimani Noureddine and Adou Abdelkader, Mohammed Brakbi, the Research Unit Director at INRA in Touggourt, representatives from the CRSTRA Research Center, the incubator director, and the university entrepreneurial institutions, as well as professors, researchers, laboratory managers from within and outside the country, investors in agriculture, economic institutions, and representatives of public administration entities.

The Technology Days for Artificial Intelligence witnessed the participation of a delegation from the University of Paris East (UPEC), experts in artificial intelligence in the agricultural field. Through video conferencing technology, Professor Abdelhamid Mellouk from the University of Paris provided an introductory presentation on artificial intelligence and its applications in desert agriculture.

The goal of the Technology Days organized by the University of El Oued is to establish a research center of excellence specializing in artificial intelligence applications in desert agriculture. This aims to activate the scientific aspect and harness research potential for the benefit of the region in the field of desert agriculture, improve production and productivity, and achieve optimal returns for desert resources to ensure food security in the region.

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