Algerian International Medical Physics Expert “Arib Mahni” Puts His Expertise at the Service of University of El Oued Students

Algerian International Medical Physics Expert “Arib Mahni” Puts His Expertise at the Service of University of El Oued Students

On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, a remote consultation meeting was held between the Vice-Rector of the University of Shahid Hamou Lkhder in charge of external relations, Professor Habib Keda, accompanied by the administrative staff of the medical physics department at the University of El Oued, and the Algerian international expert in medical physics and member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Head of the Calibration Department at King Faisal Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, researcher “Arib Mahni”, and researcher at the Nuclear Research Center in Algeria and national expert in the field of medical physics, Dr. Murad Bouroina, seconded to the university hospital in Mostaganem, to study ways of cooperation within the framework of his participation in the medical physics training team by giving lectures and applications remotely and in person and opening the opportunity for our students to carry out specialized internships at King Faisal Hospital within the framework of an agreement to be signed in the near future. The attendees witnessed the great desire and national spirit of Professor “Arib” to serve Algeria in general and our students in particular through his very encouraging proposals. The meeting concluded with the sincere thanks of the Vice-Rector of the University and all the staff present with him to Professor “Arib Mahni” for his cooperation in making the University of El Oued a center of excellence in medical physics.


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