La referencia lingüística de la terminología en el patrimonio islámico es el tema de una conferencia internacional organizada por la Facultad de Letras y Lenguas de la Universidad de El Oued.

La referencia lingüística de la terminología en el patrimonio islámico es el tema de una conferencia internacional organizada por la Facultad de Letras y Lenguas de la Universidad de El Oued.


The topic “Linguistic Reference of Terminology in Islamic Heritage: From Conceptualization to Establishment” was the subject of the international conference that commenced on March 13, 2023, and lasted for two days. The conference was organized by the Faculty of Literature and Languages at the University of El Oued in coordination with the Laboratory of Discourses and Discourse Analysis.


The event was attended by professors from the University of El Oued as well as several national universities, with academic participation from Palestine, totaling around 65 scientific contributions. The conference was marked by intense attendance from professors and students alike.


The opening conference was inaugurated by the University’s Rector, Professor Omar Ferhati, who welcomed the attendees and expressed his delight at their selection of such an important and beneficial topic for the training of the concerned participants. He emphasized the university’s openness to all scientific initiatives that complement pedagogical activities and wished them success in the conference.


Among the attendees were the university’s vice rectors, the Secretary-General of the University, Deans of the Faculties, Heads of Departments, and representatives from the Directorate of University Services. Notable participants included financial experts such as Professor Hamana Abdelaziz from Guelma and Professor Bedjaoui Abdelrazak from the General Inspectorate of Finance, along with other professors.


The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Dr. Mekki Derradji, welcomed the attendees and highlighted the importance of the conference in seeking knowledge. The chair of the conference, Dr. Elias Djaouadi, also delivered a speech acknowledging all participants and emphasizing the significance of the research event.


The focus of the conference was primarily on terms and definitions within Islamic philosophical heritage, with discussions revolving around the conceptualization, evolution, and establishment of terminologies. The sessions covered various topics, including the terminological system and its characteristics, references to terminology in Islamic philosophical heritage, the migration of terminology across temporal sciences in Islamic philosophical heritage, and the fields of terminology in Islamic philosophical heritage with practical applications.


The conference aims to conclude with practical recommendations that serve the terminology and its development in Islamic philosophical heritage.





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