1.4.1 “Local start-up assistance Provide assistance in the local community supporting the start-up of financially and socially sustainable businesses through relevant education or resources (e.g. mentorship programmes, training workshops, access to university facilities) “

The University of El Oued is dedicated to leveraging technology to improve accessibility and streamline essential academic services for its students and faculty. By integrating innovative digital platforms into its library and administrative systems, the university fosters a modern learning environment that prioritizes efficiency, equity, and academic excellence.

Supporting Sustainable Startups through Training and Technology Integration at El Oued University

On May 11, 2023, under the supervision of the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, the Basmat Amal Club, in collaboration with the Faculty of Exact Sciences and the Department of Computer Science, organized a specialized training day for individuals with high aspirations, focusing on digitization mechanisms and electronic programming.

The event was attended by prominent university figures, including the Vice-President for Scientific Research, Professor Boubaker Mansour, and the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Professor Abdel-Wahab Mansour, alongside a group of professors, specialists, and students. The training day began with a welcoming speech by student and Basmat Amal Club President, Khemisti Ashab, who expressed gratitude for the consistent efforts of the university leadership to foster inclusion and technological advancement.

Participants engaged in hands-on training in university research laboratories, focusing on computer science and programming, guided by experts in the field. This initiative aims to integrate individuals with high aspirations into the scientific and technical landscape, enabling them to contribute effectively to digital and technological innovation.

Fuente: https://www.univ-eloued.dz/en/determination-programming/

Un seminario sobre las figuras del sufismo en el sur de Argelia y su papel en la consolidación de valores doctrinales y educativos en la Universidad de El Oued.

En conmemoración del 61º aniversario del Día de la Victoria, la Universidad de El Oued organizó el 20 de marzo de 2023, en coordinación con la Facultad de Ciencias Islámicas, un seminario en el Departamento de Fundamentos Religiosos, en colaboración con el laboratorio Contribuciones de los eruditos argelinos al enriquecimiento Ciencias Islámicas, en el marco del Proyecto Unidad de Investigación (PRFU) sobre las figuras del sufismo en el sur de Argelia y su papel en la consolidación de valores doctrinales y educativos –la región de Wadi Souf como modelo–, celebrado en el Aula D.


El profesor Rahmani Ibrahim, decano de la facultad, presidió la inauguración del evento, al que asistieron varios profesores y estudiantes de la facultad. El Decano enfatizó la importancia del tema de las figuras del sufismo en la región de El Oued, destacando sus importantes roles al servicio del Islam y de la nación, incluyendo facilitar la búsqueda y difusión del conocimiento, promover la virtud, prevenir el vicio y participar en numerosas actividades caritativas. Agradeció el esfuerzo de los comités organizador y científico en la organización de este evento, que sirve a la universidad y al público.


El Dr. Djamal Lachraf, presidente del seminario, pronunció un discurso subrayando el impacto de la investigación sobre figuras del sufismo en el sur de Argelia y su papel en la consolidación de los valores doctrinales y educativos. El Dr. Ali Khedra, jefe del Departamento de Fundamentos Religiosos, también pronunció un discurso en el seminario.


El evento científico abarcó varios temas, incluida una introducción general al sufismo en Argelia, su surgimiento, difusión y las personalidades involucradas. Otro foco de atención fue la región de “Wad Souf” (El Oued), presentando su importancia y ubicación estratégica en el Magreb islámico y África en su conjunto, y su papel en la adopción y difusión de la doctrina del monoteísmo. El seminario también examinó las biografías, escritos y roles de figuras del sufismo en las órdenes Qadiriyya, Shadhiliyya, Rahmaniyya y Tijaniyya en la región de Wadi Souf.



Enhancing Digital Services for Students: Training Session at the University of El Oued Library

On May 30, 2023, the University of El Oued, led by President Professor Omar Farhati, launched a specialized training session aimed at improving digital services for students. The event focused on creating a dedicated platform for acquittal, streamlining library processes to provide seamless support to the university’s academic community.

The training, conducted in the discussion hall of the Central Library, was overseen by Ms. Jabou Adila, Director of the Central Library. It brought together library staff from the central and college libraries to collaboratively learn and enhance the digital repository system DSPACE and book counting processes.

In his opening remarks, the University President commended the library team for their dedication to advancing digital services and maintaining high standards of discipline and teamwork. He emphasized the importance of continuous innovation and improvement to elevate the university’s global ranking in various fields.

The training was led by Engineer Dr. Qara Mustafa, who provided comprehensive guidance on using the new digital platform. The platform is designed to simplify the acquittal process for students, making it more accessible and efficient. Attendees actively engaged in discussions and practical exercises, gaining valuable insights into the technical functionalities of the system.