Remote meeting with Erasmus Office representative of the Romanian university Vasile GoldisSoumeia Derbal14 de marzo de 2024Remote meeting with Erasmus Office representative of the Romanian university Vasile Goldis On October 5, 2023, a meeting was held ... اقرأ أكثر
The first national initiative – A delegation of professors from the University of El Oued travels to Britain for training in the English languageSoumeia Derbal14 de marzo de 2024The first national initiative – A delegation of professors from the University of El Oued travels to Britain for training ... اقرأ أكثر
Una Delegación de personas con discapacidad llega al Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Estudios SindicalesZohra Mehellou13 de marzo de 2024A Delegation of people with disabilities arrives at the National Institute for Trade Union Research and Studies A delegation of ... اقرأ أكثر
Encuentro con Chaima Drablia, propietaria del proyecto de acuaponíaZohra Mehellou13 de marzo de 2024A Meeting with Chaima Drablia, the owner of the aquaponics project Members of the “Basmat Amal” Club meet with ... اقرأ أكثر