L'Université d'El Oued rend hommage à ses travailleurs et célèbre la fête du travail

L'Université d'El Oued rend hommage à ses travailleurs et célèbre la fête du travail

On May 7, 2023, the University of El Oued and its social services organized a major celebration on the occasion of Labor Day in honor of the university’s professors and staff at the Abulqasim Saadullah Lecture Hall. The ceremony was presided over by the university’s Rector Omar Farhati, and was attended by the vice-rectors, deans of faculties, the secretary general of the university, the rector of university services, the head of the social services committee, the media and communication department of the university, the rector of activities, and the university’s staff and a group of professors and employees. The event was hosted by Dr. Abdelhamid Faraj and journalist Madani Hamadi.

In his opening speech, the university’s Rector welcomed the attendees and congratulated the university’s professors and staff on their international day, thanking them for their efforts in serving the university and improving it. He praised their contributions to the university’s achievements, which have placed it at the forefront in several fields. He also appreciated the efforts of the director of social services and all members of the committee who work to serve the workers in various aspects, including health, tourism, and assistance in several areas. He also thanked the director of university services and its staff for their care and follow-up of the delegation from the sister country of Uzbekistan.

The rector dedicated his speech to the important event in the national memory, which is the demonstrations and massacres of May 8, 1945, highlighting the sacrifices of the martyrs and the Algerian people. He emphasized that these massacres committed by the French colonizer did not deter the Algerian people from their freedom, but rather they decided on the path of struggle and the liberation revolution, thanks to which the sacrifices of the martyrs today enjoy freedom and independence.

The head of the social services committee, Dr. Hima Abdelkader, gave a welcoming speech in which he outlined several additions to the social services for this academic year and wished everyone success.

The ceremony saw the honoring of many professors and staff members, with a total of 60 honorees. The university’s accountant, Mr. Nain Al-Saeed, was honored for his great efforts in ensuring the smooth running of the university’s accounting and financial affairs. Following the honors, student Kadouri Salah El-Din presented a series of supplications in praise of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and a second series of voice imitations by student Mohamed Mubarak achabe.

There was also a special tribute by the social services committee to the university’s employees and special tributes to the families of those who the university lost this year, may God have mercy on them with His vast mercy.

The activity included a raffle for five people, in which the university’s guests from the Uzbek delegation participated in the draw.

The activities of this ceremony concluded with the raffle for the Umrah pilgrimage for this academic year, which benefited 26 professors and administrative staff. Congratulations to all and every year, workers and the family of the University of  El Oued  in all good health and progress.


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