Rencontre du Président de l'Université avec la Délégation de l'Université des Langues du Monde à Tachkent, Ouzbékistan

Meeting of the University’s Rector with the Delegation of the University of World Languages in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Within the framework of international cooperation between universities, on May 7, 2023, the rector of the University of  El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by his Vice rector for External Relations, Professor guedda el habib, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Professor Dalal Ouchen, and the General Secretary  of the University, Chaouki Medellel, as well as the University’s Media and Communication and Publishing Department and a number of supervising professors, welcomed a delegation of students from the University of World Languages in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

The delegation consisted of a professor and three first-year undergraduate students. The rector welcomed the delegation and exchanged views with them on their training and living conditions, welcoming them to their second country, Algeria.

In their discussion with the University’s rector, the Uzbek students expressed their admiration for the beauty of Algeria and the province of El Oued, as well as the kindness of its people. They said that they did not feel like strangers, as the students, professors, and all the staff who were working to ensure their well-being and training had been like brothers and sisters to them. They thanked the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, for providing all the necessary facilities, as well as the rector of University Services and the entire family of the University of El Oued.

This visit is part of the agreement recently signed between the rector of the Uzbek University and the rector of the University of El Oued.

One of the provisions of this agreement is the exchange of students and professors between the two universities for the purpose of teaching Arabic for non-native speakers. The visit will last for ten days and will include a rich program for the visitors to participate in with the students of the faculty and to visit all its facilities and learn about the programs and what the professors offer. They will also take introductory lectures in Arabic, in addition to recreational and informative tours of the city of El Oued and its landmarks.

The visit is a valuable opportunity for students from both universities to exchange experiences and learn from each other. It is also an opportunity to promote cultural understanding and cooperation between Algeria and Uzbekistan.


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