Le Recteur de l'Université d'El Oued félicite le personnel pédagogique chargé de former les étudiants ouzbeks en arabe

Le Recteur de l'Université d'El Oued félicite le personnel pédagogique chargé de former les étudiants ouzbeks en arabe


On November 30, 2023, Professor Omar Ferhati, Rector of the University of El Oued, presided over a ceremony to honour members of the pedagogical staff for teaching Arabic language and its sciences to non-native speakers, represented by international students from the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Faculty of Arts and Languages. This event followed the University of El Oued’s achievement of first place nationally in the “Study in Algeria” hashtag dedicated to international students. The Dean of the Faculty; Professor Dalel Ouchen, expressed her gratitude to the University Rector for honouring the faculty and attending the celebration ceremony and for his unlimited support for the advancement of the faculty and the educational program for international students. She also praised the efforts of the members of the Pedagogical Committee for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers in the success of the educational process for Uzbek students, who have reached a distinguished level in the Arabic language, earning the satisfaction of the Minister and the university community. On behalf of the faculty’s family, she also congratulated the University Rector on the University of El Oued’s first-place ranking nationally in the “Study in Algeria” hashtag for the international student program.

The University Rector took the floor and congratulated the Dean of the Faculty, her staff, and especially the members of the Pedagogical Committee for Teaching Arabic to International Students on their noble mission of teaching Arabic to Uzbek students systematically and professionally, making them a leading model to be emulated by other international students whom our university will welcome in the future. The University Rector also spoke about the importance of the Arabic language as the language of the Holy Quran and the university as a bridge to Islamic civilization and culture that links Algeria with the Republic of Uzbekistan and other Islamic countries. He recalled the great Uzbek scholars such as Imam Bukhari, to whom the city of Bukhara in this republic is named, and other great scholars. He affirmed that an invitation has been extended to cadres from other Uzbek universities to visit our university to conclude agreements and strengthen scientific, pedagogical, and cultural ties with the University of El Oued.

On this occasion, Dr Hamza Hamada, Chairman of the Pedagogical Committee for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers, thanked the University Rector and the accompanying staff for their attention and the honour bestowed upon them. Some Uzbek students also took the floor and expressed their gratitude and appreciation to the University Rector, the Director of University Services, her staff, the Dean of the Faculty, and her staff, especially their teachers, for the care, attention, and great effort they exert in teaching them the Arabic language and its sciences, as well as for organizing a cultural and recreational program for their benefit, through which they will learn about the inhabitants, culture, and history of the region and its surroundings.

Source: https://www.univ-eloued.dz/students-of-uzbekistan-3/

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