L'Université d'El Oued accueille la cérémonie d'ouverture de la saison du scoutisme

L'Université d'El Oued accueille la cérémonie d'ouverture de la saison du scoutisme

Today, October 21, 2023, the University of El Oued hosted the official opening of the scouting season in the Dr. Abu Qasim Saad Allah lecture hall.

The ceremony was supervised by the Commander-in-Chief of the Algerian Islamic Scouts, Mr. “Abdel Rahman Hamzaoui,” and the Wali of the State, Mr. “Said Akhrouf.”

The official opening of the 2023/2024 season was held under the slogan “Volunteering Promotes Development.”

The ceremony was attended by:

Professor Boubaker Mansour, Vice-Rector of the University for Third Cycle Training and Scientific Research The President of the People’s Assembly of the State, Members of the Security Committee, representatives of the National and Local Elected Councils, the Secretary General of the State, the President of the El Oued District, the Deputy Mayor of the El Oued Municipality, the Staff of the General Command of the Algerian Islamic Scouts, the President of the National Association for Voluntary Work, the State Scout Commissioner of the Algerian Islamic Scouts for the State of El Oued, deans and Scout Leaders, scout Cubs of the State of El Oued from different troops in the municipalities of the state

On the occasion, theatrical performances were presented in solidarity with our people in Gaza.

A cooperation agreement was also signed with the National Association for Voluntary Work.

The official opening of the 2023/2024 scouting season was then announced.


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