Cours de formation aux techniques de la photographie organisé par le Club Créativité et Entrepreneuriat

Cours de formation aux techniques de la photographie organisé par le Club Créativité et Entrepreneuriat


The training course on photography techniques organized by the Creativity and Entrepreneurship Club of the Sub-Directorate of Cultural, Sports and Scientific Activities at the University of Martyr Hamou Laqader, in coordination with the Entrepreneurship House, kicked off today. The first day was excellent and was well received by all the students who attended the course, which was supervised by Mr. Hussein Farhat, President of the Waqfat Faniya Club of the Mohamed El Amine El Omrani Cultural Center in Shat. The opening ceremony included a welcoming and guiding speech by the President of the Creativity Club, followed by a speech by the Director of Entrepreneurship, Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel Latif, who stressed the importance of learning skills in addition to the degrees that a university student graduates with, because the modern era requires additional skills in addition to academic degrees. The first day was an introduction to the camera and some of the basic rules of photography, and the participants benefited from the application in the college yard.


The course will continue on its second day tomorrow at 10:30 am at the Entrepreneurship House. Students who missed the first day should not miss the rest of the course on its second and last day. It is worth noting that tomorrow the supervisor will explain how to hold the camera, how to choose the angle, and the settings that the student should know and put in his camera to take high-quality pictures.


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